Here are a couple resolutions that would contribute to pollinator conservation!
- Commit to contributing four or more pollinator counts from a Lemon Queen Sunflower this year. We have discovered that when we have at least 4 counts,
we can pretty accurately know what is going on in your yard.
- Resolve to do a count each time you garden in 2017. Those data will be incredibly helpful for understanding when pollinators are most active.
- Resolve to take a couple counts on several different types of plants and help us figure out what the best plants for pollinators are in your neighbourhood using the Pollinator Friendly Plants and Places program.
- Adopt a local public garden or green space and count pollinators each time you visit.
- Promise to make some improvements in your garden this year. Use the Great Pollinator Habitat Challenge garden assessment tool to guide you.
- Agree to find a friend or neighbour and share what we are doing and finding as we help pollinators together.